Losing a tooth to severe tooth decay, dental avulsion or a treatment-based extraction can impact the overall function of your mouth in a myriad of ways. Even if you adjust to the compromised ability to chew and any visible impairments to your smile, you could still suffer orthodontic complications later.
Many people in need of a dental restoration choose a dental implant over a traditional dental bridge. Not only does the dental implant effectively replace the tooth’s presence, but it also replicates the strength and natural feel of the original tooth.
This is thanks to a special property of titanium, which is known as osseointegration, that allows it to gradually fuse with living bone tissues. Once total fusion has been attained, Dr. Joseph Conard can start the process of fitting you for a standard dental crown.
The material he advocates for the crown will be largely influenced by the tooth’s primary function and visibility in your smile.
Gold and base metal alloy crowns are durable, making them a good choice for back teeth that are called upon to do a lot of chewing and grinding. For a tooth that is visible in your smile, he will likely recommend a porcelain crown. This material can be shaded to perfectly match the surrounding teeth in your smile.
If you live in the Waynesville, North Carolina, area and you are in need of a dental restoration, you should call 828-452-1187 to set up a consultation at Joseph R. Conard, DDS and Kathryn L. Conard, DDS, MS.